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Kuzma Vladimirov
Kuzma Vladimirov

Iec 62061 Pdf Free Download

IEC 62061 / EN IEC 62061 represents a sector-specific standard under IEC 61508. It describes the implementation of safety-related control systems on machinery and examines the whole lifecycle from the concept phase through to decommissioning.

iec 62061 pdf free download

The new edition of IEC 62061 was published in 2021. This new edition is not just an update of the existing standard. For a start, the standard is no longer limited to electrical systems but can be used for all types of technology, such as hydraulic or pneumatic systems for example.

In April 2022, IEC 62061 was published in the Official Journal of the EU as harmonised standard EN IEC 62061, the content being identical. As a result, presumption of conformity has officially come into force within the EU. A manufacturer can assume that he meets the health and safety requirements of the Machinery Directive if he complies with the provisions of the EU standard. In the conformity assessment procedure, he can issue the declaration of conformity and so affix the CE mark to his plant or machinery.

Presumption of conformity for the previous version EN 62061:2005 ends on 11 October 2023 at the latest! After this transition period, new declarations of conformity can only be issued on the basis of EN IEC 62061:2021.

IEC 62061 addresses the issue of how reliable a safety-related control system needs to be. In this case the estimation is based on a hybrid method, a combination of a matrix and a quantitative approach. It also addresses the validation of safety functions based on architectural and statistical methods.

For each risk requiring a safety-related control system, the risk must be estimated and the risk reduction (SIL) defined, dependent on the control system. The risk associated with the safety function is estimated in accordance with IEC 62061, with consideration given to the following parameters:

SIL (Security Integrity Level), like Performance level, is a measure of how likely it is that a dangerous failure will occur in a system. SIL 2 roughly equivalent to PL d (performance level d).(See IEC 62061 or EN 62061 for more details)

IEC 62061 is roughly equivalent to ISO 13849-1. The two standards defines safety-performance-levels using the same principles, but are developed by two different international committees. SIL levels from IEC 62061 can be directly translated to Performance Levels in ISO 13849-1 and vice versa.

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One of the big challenges facing machine builders has been choosing between ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061. The IEC published a new guide at the end of July, 2010 called Technical Report IEC/TR 62061-1 ed1.0 Guidance on the application of ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061 in the design of safety-related control systems for machinery. The new 38-page guide is available as a hard copy or a PDF file. Written jointly by Technical Committee IEC/TC 44, Safety of machinery ? Electrotechnical aspects and Technical Committee ISO/TC 199, Safety of machinery. The Technical Report was published in parallel by ISO as ISO/TR 23849.

The introduction to the TR indicates that it will be incorporated into both IEC 62061 and ISO 13849-1 through a corrigenda that references this new document. The corrigenda will also remove the information given in Table 1, Recommended application of IEC 62061 and ISO 13849-1, found in the common introduction to both standards and which is now out of date.

The safe brake control ROBA-SBCplus is used to control and monitor two ROBA-stop safety brakes, especially in applications that have requirements for personal protection according to functional safety standards such as ISO 13849 and IEC 62061.

The brake control must reliably interrupt the current in the solenoid coil when the brake is switched off. The ROBA-SBCplus module uses wear-free electronic semiconductors and thus achieves practically unlimited switching frequency and switching reliability. 350c69d7ab


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