Securecrt 6.1 Serial Number License Key
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Securecrt 6.1 Serial Number License Key
the nodegrid service is the licensing server. it can be installed on a separate server or on a server that also hosts another application, or on the same server as your product. it is the license checker for the citrix products. use of the nodegrid service is optional. it is not required for license access or license revocation. however, nodegrid service is used to support the licensing features of the following products: routing services compute services gateway services network services dynamic access gateway vod
on a brand new installation, all licenses in the system are initially in the available state. as licenses become used, the remaining licenses become in the used state. when licenses are deleted, they are removed from the system.
the nodegrid service will check all licenses in the system and populate its database with the information of the licenses in use. if the license number is not found, the nodegrid service will not attempt to check the license. the nodegrid service does not check the validity of the licenses. instead, it checks the existence of the license in the system. if the nodegrid service is running and the license is available in the system, then the nodegrid service returns the license information as a response to any request for the license. a nodegrid service can be configured to use a central database or use the license server that hosts the citrix product to read the licenses. if a nodegrid service is configured to use a central database, the nodegrid service will read the licenses from the database. the nodegrid service will use the system administrator login credentials to connect to the database.